Τρίτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Midnight Lily by Mia Sheridan

Midnight Lily by Mia Sheridan


Holden Scott is the prince of professional football. At least he was before he lost it all... or more to the point, before he threw it all away. Now he's out of a job, out of the public's good graces, and perhaps just a little out of his mind. So when a friend offers up his remote lodge in the wilds of Colorado, giving Holden some time away to get his life back on track, he can hardly say no. The last thing he expects is to see a beautiful girl in the woods—one wearing a white, lace dress who appears in the moonlight, and leaves no footprints behind. Is she a dream? A ghost? A product of his muddled imagination? Or something entirely different?

Midnight Lily is the haunting love story of two lost souls reaching for each other in the dark. A tale of healing, acceptance, and the worlds we create to protect our own hearts. It is a story of being lost, of being found, and of being in the place between.



Happily ever after doesn't mean a lifetime of perfection. I don't think anyone believes that happily ever after means there are no unhappy days, even unhappy years. It means loving forever, despite all the many reasons it's easier not to.

There is this movie with Robin Williams, "What dreams may come". You most likely remember it. Chris loses his children, his life and suddenly he is in heaven and he is not happy because his wife is somehow in hell, lost in her crazy mind. And he tries to find her, he keeps looking for her because heaven without his only love equals personal hell. He knows that she exists, he knows that she is real and she needs his help because he simply believes this fact:
What's true in our minds is true, whether some people know it or not.
And he finds her.

You may ask, 'why is this relevant to this book?'

Well, this book is not what you think it is. This book is basically a journey to the human mind.

Yes, it is romance.
Yes, it talks about pure love and commitment.
Yes, it is about two people who have fallen in love.
Yes, there is happily ever after.

But nothing is what is seems.
But nobody is who you think he/she is.
But there are twists and turns that they may make you gasp "WTF" many times.

When the main male character from the book says to Lily:
If you go away, then I'll come and find you, even if it means I have to get lost for a while, too ,
I think I was crying harder than the first time I watched the Robin Williams' movie and there was this scene when he finds his broken wife and tells her: Annie, I'm here babe, I still exist.

Please, be open-minded when you start this book!

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