Πέμπτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Fixed Forever (Fixed, #6) by Laurelin Paige

36042937Fixed Forever (Laurelin Paige)


Hudson Pierce-

You act so high and mighty, you and your perfect pregnant wife Alayna. With your perfect child and your perfect home.

You weren’t always perfect. Your past is filled with misdeeds.

Does your wife know all your secrets?

Would she stand behind you if she did?

You think because she’s on bedrest you can protect her? How sweet.

Sleep tight, you two.

-An Old Friend.


More Hudson 😍
It is well-known that love changes everything and everyone.
Take Hudson for example.
He used to be a cruel manipulated bastard who used to love playing sick twisted mind games with his best friend and used to enjoy seeing other people's bright futures crashing down after his ploys altered their lives.
Brilliant example of a nasty human being.

Now, Hudson is a changed man. A married man. A loving father. He loves his wife and his children more than his life. He would do anything for them.
-of course he is still a cruel businessman-

Unfortunately, although his wife had managed to resist his cruelty and beat him in his game and transformed him and taught him to love, there are all the other victims who .... well...hmm...err... were destroyed in various levels. There are actually a number of diaries that his best friend Celia had been keeping which were describing their “experiments” with their numerous victims.

So, I guess it is a natural development that one of these victims would have somehow flipped and decided to revenge Hudson.

But who is this person? Who wants to harm Hudson and his family?
Who hates him the most?

The story of “Fixed Forever” revolves around this mystery. And it is really interesting to realise how many people hate Hudson and Celia and for what kind of crazy reasons.

I enjoyed the story. It was not that erotic or sexy as the first three books. The story is more about understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. Hudson and Alayna, his wife, love deeply each other but they have reached a turning point and they need to re-evaluate their promises and build again on more stronger foundations.

Celia...what can I say about Celia? I never liked her. At least she was a bit more tolerable in this book. Not much.
Alayna was once more a SUPER girl. I really love her character.
But as you have realised this book is more about Hudson: The guy that I love to hate LOL

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